Cavalry’s Professional Risks Department has extensive experience with professional liability and management liability for a wide range of industries. The Professional Risks Department places all types of Professional Liability including but not limited to:
Errors & Omissions:
Accountants Professional Liability
Allied Health
Contractors – Professional Liability, Pollution, and Project Specific
Cyber Liability
Misc. Professional Liability – Media & Technology
Medical Malpractice – Medical Facility(ies), Physicians & Surgeons
Privacy/Cyber liability
Real Estate Agents and Brokers
Technology E&O
Directors & Officers Liability:
Liability for Privately Held Companies
Coverage for the Organization and Personal Liability
Employment Practices Liability
Wage & Hourly Defense
Crime & Fiduciary
Employee Theft
Forgery of Alteration
Mismanagement, Neglect, Breach of Duty
In all placements, our Professional Risk Department is there to be an extension of your firm with technical sales support from the beginning to the end of the placement. We provide coverage comparisons and technical expertise with the willingness to talk with you and your client in support of completing the placement with excellent results.
Please contact your underwriter or email your submission to submissions@cavalryins.com